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Inside Jimmy Butler’s Epic California Mansion

Today, AD is welcomed by NBA All-Star Jimmy Butler to tour his epic mansion in Southern California. When the Miami Heat star moved into his complex he wanted to create a bright space full of natural light and pretty furniture. To make his vision a reality, Butler teamed up with Tiffany Brooks Interior and told her to go wild and do her thing in the space. From the medieval vibes of his seriously impressive wine cellar to a fully decked out Big Face coffee shop, Butler and Brooks designed a slam dunk of home.

See more of the NBA star's Southern California home here

Released on 10/01/2024


Hey, AD.

I'm Jimmy Butler.

Welcome to California.

Better yet, welcome to my house.

[upbeat rousing music]

I think fancy people call this a foyer.

I don't call it that.

I call it the beginning of a house.

I don't know.

But it's not a foyer.

It got art.

It is a ton of space to do absolutely nothing.

This is actually probably the most

pointless area in the house,

but I guess you just walk to the front door

and then you're here.


and there are roses.

[upbeat music]

The designer I've worked with,

Tiffany, Tiffany Brooks Interior.

I was just telling her, Yo, get freaky with it.

And she came in here

and really fucked some shit up.

I'm very impressed.

I think I said I just want like it

to be really, really, really light.

Like I want all this natural light.

I want white walls, light floors,

pretty couches and stuff.

I didn't ask for this table though.

She put that there.

I probably take a lot of credit for it

now I think about it.

Like when people ask,

Oh, what'd you do to the house?

I was like, I put a table in this room,

a piano over here.

It was Tiffany that did it.

This is like my live music room.

When I say live music room,

I mean if any of my musical friends are coming over,

this is where we set them up.

If and when we have karaoke,

AD everybody's invited.

I will outperform anybody.

I may not sound the best,

but I guarantee I put on a great show.

Ooh, go to karaoke song.

Right now, this second, a bar song.

♪ Everybody ♪

Yeah, that one.

And if we like all time, it's Mario, Mayrio,

however you wanna say it.

Let Me Love You.

[upbeat music]

This is the kitchen.

That's my baby's chair right there.

My daughter's seat.

My significant other seat.

That's a lie.

I'm single, ladies.

Holler at me.

Y'all see my house.

So a normal morning, afternoon and/or dinner,

we don't really sit down.

Well the kids do.

We all stand up and eat like black people do.

It's like we have chairs, we just don't use them.

And we just make a complete utter mess with food

all on the floor from the kids.

At one point in time,

we all have to understand

that we are kids, bitches.

If you're a parent, whatever the kids say,

you just have to do.

So we could have full blown steak and potatoes

and then Riley's like, I want spaghetti.

And then fucking Riley gets spaghetti

because I'm a little bitch.

[upbeat rousing music]

This place is called the conservatory.

The reason that I like the space

is 'cause like with the floors,

I feel like I'm in Italy.

But I'm in California.

I'm at home.


It is hot in this room.

Between this hot ass window and these windows,

it is hot in here.

The chandelier that's up here,

it's custom made for me.

It's beautiful.

It looks cool in this hot ass room.

Tiffany did design it.

She picked...

Just, there's too many shape light bulbs up there

and I just think it's Tiffany being Tiffany.

Just hella extra for no reason.

But it's good job, Tiff.

Did great.

[spirited upbeat music]

Now we are in the wine cellar,

which is my new favorite area of the house.

It's the vibe that I was going for, like darker,

drink your wine, spill it on the floor.

You can't really tell 'cause it got

all this dark brick.

Chris Joelle is the master sommelier.

Is that how you say it?


Sumo wrestler.

He's the one that drinks all the wine

and he's the one that helps me to collect

all of this expensive grape juice.

This is my favorite wine.

It is the absolute greatest Sassicaia,

shouts to y'all.

In 2013, Mark Wahlberg was in town

filming Transformers and when we get

to his trailer he's like,

Hey, do you drink wine?

And I was like, No.

And then the dude next one's like,

Yes you do.

You don't tell Mark Wahlberg

that you don't drink wine.

And he popped a bottle of 2010 Sassicaia.

And that's probably the most collected wine

that I have.

This is the hallway.

I call this the Big Boy hallway.

'cause obviously all the big bottles.

That leads to the main part of this wine cellar.

I swear if I hit one of these steps behind me

where all the normal sized bottles are,

which is behind me.

Yeah, see that?

I've been here a ton of times

that I know where each and every...

I definitely didn't know that

that last one was a step.

[upbeat rousing music]

Now we are here, we have made it to the rotunda.

Look at this chandelier.

Tiffany did it again.

Those are moon rocks on the top

of the chandelier up there, straight from Mars.

The total cellar holds about 20,000.

And I think I got like 6,100 bottles in here

as we speak.

This behind everybody right here,

you know what,

this is my California section.

You got the Screaming Eagle over here.

And then we're going into Italy.

This area is the Bordeaux.

Bordeaux is here.

This is probably my favorite bottle in here.

The 1973 Mouton Rothschild.

I know I butchered that

'cause I don't speak French,

but Picasso's painting is on here.

And then from there we go to...

♪ Back that thing up ♪

♪ You're a fire, motherfucker ♪

♪ I want you back that thing up ♪

This is also Bordeaux.

♪ So keep backing that thing up ♪

♪ You're a fire, motherfucker ♪

♪ Back that thing up ♪

This is Burgundy, which me and Chris,

we take a trip to Burgundy in the middle of July.

So middle of July, we'll be in Burgundy

trying to get much more.

Let's talk about two very, very,

very important bottles to me, myself.

The Cos d'Estournel.

I think I said that right.

This bottle means a lot to me

because Neymar is number 10

and I think they only did 10 of these bottles.

So I begged and pleaded with them

to give me the 10th bottle.

Neymar is the GOAT.

So everything we doing

here is all about number 10.

And then this one is called Ducru.

And this one is special

because it's from 2019,

which is my daughter's birth year.

So they put Rylee Butler on here.

They did 33 of this collection.

Guess what number mine is.

Any takers?


Neymar again.

It's all about Neymar if you haven't noticed.

[upbeat rousing music]

We're at my domino table/card table.

This is where be kicking ass.


I started playing dominoes

when I was probably like four

and it's how my dad taught me how to count.

And ever since then,

I've just been the best at it.

I'm not afraid to admit that.

Some people like to stay humble about it.

Fuck that.

I'm the best in the world at dominoes.

A lot goes on out here.

Pool, cabana over there,

kitchen, sand volleyball.

The craziest part about the sand volleyball court

is it used to be a tennis court.

And then I was like,

I don't even fucking like tennis.

So I got a great idea.

Let's just dump fucking 20 tons

of sand on top of it.

And then the following summer you fall

in love with tennis.

That's how stupid I am.

So now I gotta figure out a place

to put a tennis court.

We work out on the sand, just a different way

to get ready for the season.

Running, volleyball obviously,

beach tennis is a new thing

that we've been doing.

And then foot volley.

So whenever the Brazilians are over here

at the house, that's the game

that they want to play.

I'm not gonna say I'm not good,

but it's a challenge.

I'm not gonna say I've won every time.

I'm not gonna say I lost every time either,

but it's difficult.

I lost every time.

I just like Southern California

because you got all the space that you need.

It's quiet.

I like that.

I just wanna be around my people.

I wanna do what I wanna do

and not bother anybody.

What better place to do it

than Southern California?

Yee Haw!

[upbeat rousing music]

This is my spot.

This is the first BigFace coffee shop

here in my own home.

I will allow my neighbors to come in here,

but for everybody here,

coffee will cost you 60 bucks

and I'm not fucking around.

We don't take cash here,

but I take cash under the table.

BigFace Coffee is eventually

that I really started in the bubble

and it just started out with a love of coffee.

And since then I've been able

to build this incredible team behind BigFace

to help make all of this stuff come to life.

After basketball, this is what I want

to be doing.

For me personally, coffee's a lot like wine

in the sense that you can never know

everything about it.

But more than anything you get

to sit down with people that you don't get

to see every day.

And I mean that's always been my dream.

Just chill, coffee and talk

to some really good people.

This is a custom machine

that we did with La Marzocco.

We got the opportunity

to go visit La Marzocco in Italy.

And the first thing that I saw

when I was in there was this machine.

And I was just like, Can I please,

please, please have one?

And they said yes.

And now I have it and my own home.

I don't think you'll see one

of these anywhere else

in the United States by the way.

So think about that.

[spirited upbeat music]

We are in the dining room.

In the hood growing up,

where you eat at is called the living room.

But now that I'm a little bit fancy,

I have a dining room.

This is where all my cool friends come over

and we eat dinner and we drink expensive wines

and we talk about nothing important.

And I get to put my foot up on this chair

because I paid for it.

So I do what I want to do in my house.

I don't do too much in this space

besides drink wine.

And if my boys are here

and I don't wanna share my wine

that I paid for in my chair,

then I don't have to.

So I'm in here a lot by myself too.

Tiffany did an incredible job.

These big paintings right here.

I feel like they say something in this area.

Tiffany picked these.

Tiffany, great great find, great pick.

These are daffodils.

Yeah, I'm a botanist.

[spirited upbeat music]

Right now, we are on this landing upstairs

above the entry/foyer.

These chairs are KAWS chairs.

Brian's a good friend of mine,

so thank you for the chairs, Brian.

They're out here because they were gonna go

in my daughter's room,

but then I figured when I wasn't looking,

she would draw all over them.

So now I could watch her draw on them out here

in this beautiful hallway.

'Cause I know it's gonna happen.

[spirited upbeat music]

This is my bed.

It's customed.

Tiffany didn't do that one.

I did that.

I think it's like nine by something.

It's pretty big.

Very, very, very comfortable.

And then I have a,

it's not a strategically placed BigFace mug

back there or anything,

but it's a coffee cup back there.

I want it to be able to come here and just relax.

I don't want too many colorful things.

I want it to be very, very, very neutral.

I think she overdid it on the fancy pillows

on the bed.

Every day I get into bed,

I have to throw all of those off

and then put them back on.

I mean, the night ritual is my daughter

comes running in here from the other room

and jumps on the bed

because she doesn't want to go to sleep,

like kids do.

Then I'm in here watching my show.

I could be watching anything.

Batman, Superman, Money Talks.

Ooh, Bad Boys.

Love that movie.

Fucking Bluey.

I don't wanna fucking watch Bluey

at 11 o'clock.

You shouldn't even be up at 11.

As often as I should get great sleep

in my own bed 'cause of my kids, I do not.

But I love y'all.

I really do.

This view is really special to me.

Once again, I love Europe, I love Italy.

And so whenever I look out over the balcony,

it's a way to say we kind

of brought Italy to us here

because growing up,

I didn't even know where Italy was.

I was never supposed to make it to go see Italy.

So now I can wake up in the morning

and I get my own little piece of Italy.

[spirited upbeat music]

My bathroom.

I mean it's a bathroom.

It got two toilets.

It got two showers.

Tiffany wanted a standalone tub.

Tiffany got a standalone tub.

I'm gonna take the credit for this one.

I did ask for floor-to-ceiling marble actually.

And I knew that this was marble.

I definitely did.

It was my idea to start on the floor

and take it to the ceiling.

I mean I feel like you [indistinct] as hell

if you don't spend a lot,

like you have to take showers.

And I work out consistently.

So I would say I'm in here about,

if the kids are taking a bath

and you can't leave your kids uncivilized

because they just drink the pee water,

which I don't even understand why kids do that.

So they're in the fucking tub for 45 minutes.

That adds on to the time that I'm in here.

Probably like two showers a day, maybe three

at like 15 minutes.

15 times 3.


Yeah, 57 minutes.

[upbeat rousing music]

Thanks for coming through.

Kids must be fed

and I must play dominoes.

See ya.

[door clicks]

[upbeat rousing music]

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